Trustee has disappeared. How to proceed


I signed a trust agreement with a friend (he has GmbH) 3 months ago. My trustee lives a little far away in DE. As a trustee, I provided him with 25,000 euro.

I didn't get a dividend in September. I was amazed. I called and found out that the guy had a car accident and was in the hospital. Not until October 5th. I got my dividend after his wife took his laptop to the hospital.

No more dividends came in October. I was very surprised. I tried to reach him by phone - no success. Three days later I got an email from the friend's wife. He would have got Corona in the hospital and would still be there. His wife wrote to me that she would be in touch at the end of the (last) week. The week is over now, nobody has contacted me. I'm worried.

It is of course possible that he has died or is seriously ill. And of course he may want to buy some time to pay dividends later. I don't know whether to believe this story.

I don't want to hire a lawyer to sort this out just yet, but I want to prepare for the bad.

What should I do if he's really gone? What do I do if he dies? Will his wife have to pay me my money? What happens if the company goes bankrupt? Which card do I have at the point?


I think you fell for a cheater.

The woman can tell you a lot or write a lot. None of this has to be right.

I don't know if a lawyer can help you.


But I looked at his documents for the GmbH or the account statements, everything was fine. I'm not the only trustor, as I can see from his bank statements, but I have no contact with the others.

Maybe I can ask someone to stop by?


Maybe I can ask someone to stop by?

If you have someone, sure.


Not yet, but I may be able to find someone. He lives near Frankfurt…