What are the differences between a notebook and a laptop?


You technology geniuses!

What are the differences? There used to be no notebooks!

Now there are more notebooks than laptops to choose from, where are the differences?

Or is it just the name?


OK. But I don't quite understand now where the difference is.

Because there are almost no laptops for sale anymore, but rather notebooks.

And notebooks look exactly the same as laptops, maybe they are just a little smaller.

Are notebooks the new laptops now?

If I buy a notebook or even a ProBook, do I have a laptop with Internet access?

So I mean the content of the notebook, Google, editor, Internet. Etc.

Or is that just garbage? XD lg


In principle it is the same. It may be that a notebook does not have a CD-Rom drive (which you don't actually need anymore - because you use USB sticks). Otherwise the functions etc. Are the same. Basically 90% the same.


Thank you 😁😁😁


Why are you asking such questions here? Just google it. You can find that in 2 seconds.