If i stream with a vpn am i sure or can i still be found via my ip address?


If I use a vpn during the stremen then I'm sure what if I have finished streaming and closed the site and then turn off my vpn you can still find me or my vpn is not saved on this page and I can open normally do everything with the laptop and am sure that I will not be found. I'm talking about iligale streaming here


When you have closed the site, you can of course switch off the VPN (Virtual Private Network, therefore "that" instead of "the") and when you have closed the site properly, the site only has the IP address of the VPN server.

But be careful: Depending on the VPN provider, a DNS leak may occur. "A DNS leak refers to a vulnerability that allows DNS requests to be passed on to ISP DNS servers even though a VPN service is used to hide them." This means that even though you are using a VPN service, your real IP will be leaked on the way to your destination. This is not the case with good VPN providers, you can test it here if you have one switched on: https://www.dnsleaktest.com/

Oh and something else. Depending on how illegal your stream is, they may go to the trouble of tracking you despite using a VPN service. The NSA / FBI or any other task force for cybercrime could ask the VPN provider where the IP of the illegal streamer comes from. The VPN provider may then have to reveal the desired information. But only if it is really very illegal.


No, you can't be sure. You don't know what the VPN provider is logging and you don't know how cleanly the VPN client is implemented and configured.

By the way: VPN is called Virtual Private Network. Network means network, i.e. The network. So it's never called the VPN.


If that's not the last scrap VPN like Hotspot Shield or this fake Opera "VPN" you are relatively safe. It is best to always open these pages in the private tab, then traces such as cookies etc. Are deleted when you exit.

And streaming isn't illegal here, it's a gray area.