Mac appstore and iCloud different emails?


I've noticed a little 'problem' on my laptop for a while. And although I have an email in the settings (and in the iCloud) that I always use. But when I go to the AppStore to make updates I have to sign up for one of my emails. The password does not work and this Apple ID with the specific name also never existed. So I never made this Apple ID with a different name.

and nobody knows them either. Does anyone know how I can register my ICloud email at the AppStore and log out the non-existent one? I also looked at, but all of my actual emails are listed there.


Did you buy the Mac used?


No, but that's one of my emails, but I've never created an Apple ID with that name



If apps on your Mac are linked to this ID, a password for this ID will be required for all upcoming updates.

If this password is not known, the only thing left to do is delete the apps, reload them with a new ID and install them.