Going to school or rather staying home?


I'm currently attending 4th grade at a business school. It's about having been over exaggerated in the last few weeks. That is what I experience myself for the first time. 3-4 tests in one week + presentations + homework + other private things = death for the body. Eat and sleep in the last days barely. Come home from school, start learning directly and that's been going on for 3 weeks now.

This week is the worst of all.

Last week, I had 4 tests,

Today 2 tests,

Morning 1 test and 2 presentations,

Thursday 1 very important test,

Friday 1 test and

next week Monday 2 tests.

I'm currently sitting at my laptop trying to learn the math test and prepare for the presentation. I do not know if you can sympathize with that, but I'm just so desperate. I know for sure that I will not be able to do it all today, I'm even crying. I think I might not go to school tomorrow. What would you do in my position?


What happens if you do not come tomorrow? When you "sleep"? Does it have negative effects if you do not apply for a certificate? Otherwise I would sleep in the morning, learn in the afternoon, sleep Thursday afternoon, talk to your teacher Friday about your situation, sleep late Friday afternoon and then work through a balanced learning schedule on the weekend (not 8 hours at a time, but interrupted by going out, sports, eating, drinking etc.).


That's really a lot!
I would also take a break for a day and would rather prepare the important test well.


Well… I'll get negative effects either way. If I "oversleep" tomorrow and do not do the test or the 2 presentations or go to school tomorrow and write a fat 5 + do not master the presentation well, because I only half finished, is there any difference at all? What would you do? Absence, catching up and possibly upsetting or risking teachers and getting bad grades.


That's awesome. The teachers should better divide the exams. In business it is always very much to learn but you can overdo it.

My advice: Stay home tomorrow. You do not miss a lot if you only miss one day. You sleep, have a good breakfast and then get to work. Make yourself a clear to-do list. The tasks that have to be done first, you do first. After completing some of the tasks, treat yourself to a well-balanced lunch. Afterwards, continue and take a little 5-minute break from time to time in which you just drink a glass of water and sit back for a moment. Continue until dinner and then take the evening off. Take a fragrant bath and drink a hot tea. Then you watch a movie or read a book. Although, you've been learning all day, even though it's not the same thing. So you better do something where you can rest a bit. Then go to bed and then back to school the next day. Unless you really have too much to do, then stay one more day. Do not forget the apology. If you miss three or more days you will need a medical certificate.


Thanks for the star:-)