P account limit exceeded?


Hi, I have a P account with Deutsche Bank and this month I received more money than usual in October because I sold my laptop. Today I was at the ATM and it said the credit limit was exhausted or something… What can I do now and get my money? I had a garnishment but I pay it in installments from that time on. Can it be released later? Because I mean when I look in the DB app that some amounts have not yet been debited that I paid yesterday by direct debit, can that be?


I know that you can get your money back on the 1st of the month.


The excess money does not belong to you but to your creditors. That's all Right. You have paid back your debts faster. That is very beneficial.


Thank you, but today is already the 1st. We left after midnight, I tried to pick up at 1am and it didn't work.


And how do I know what exactly I had too much? Or what if I got, for example, 2500 euro net every month? (i.e. Through work) that would also be more than Friday


The allowance is your limit


Well, they go to the attaching creditors. Get a bank statement.


If you still had too much, maybe it will work as soon as you are under the tax allowance again. I don't think they'll block it for a whole month


I have an account statement that says nothing about a debit except what I transferred yesterday myself.


And how do I get back under the tax exemption? Sorry, I've never had something like that, so I don't know me that much


Do you currently have seizures? Then the money in excess of the exemption is skimmed off. If not, the money will be given back to you. The bank knows when that will be.


No plan. I only know from my mom that at the end of the month she occasionally gets over the tax allowance. Then she can use it again the first time

Maybe read in over the Internet.


I don't know exactly, but it can be. Skimmed off means where I have to pay something off, is the money sent automatically? Then I even did something good by transferring the money to the account.


Of course you have. And with that you have freed yourself a little further from the debt swamp.

If no garnishments are in progress or threatened, a P account makes no sense. Call your bank and inquire.


Well, I would not say I have to pay off something over 900 then it is through.