I wanted to register degrees in the hotel with my laptop in the WLAN the problem is the man has to sign up here and I do not see this with my laptop. My cell phone is all that do
Ask for help in the lobby.
Click on the Wi-Fi network and then open a browser. Then at least this hotel registration should come.
I'll try it right away
Unfortunately no no window comes
Open any page (eg Google), will you be forwarded?
If that does not work but ask in the front desk.
Will not be forwarded to the front desk also have no idea
Do you have another solution?
They have no idea you have another solution? Is business
No, those in the hotel need to know how their system works.
Anyone from the hotel staff needs to know about it.
Maybe the mobile message is responsive and you only see it when you reduce your browser window to the width of a cell phone…