WLAN WLAN connection of PC and mobile phone does not work why?


About a year ago I was on vacation and set up a hotspot with the laptop because the wireless connection of the hotel was too weak to be received by my mobile phone. But my laptop had a better wireless range and could use the hotspot for a WLAN connection allow for my phone when I came back from vacation I have deleted the hotspot data from the laptop and turned off when I now have my phone and my laptop at the same time on the Internet kackt the connection and it appears the name of the hotspot I used on vacation Although these data on the laptop no longer exist and the drivers of the wireless card have been updated several times and uninstalled how can that be now it is so far that my laptop can't connect to the internet neither via LAN nor WLAN if my laptop is on the hotspot name appears on the voter list list my laptop and my cell phone a good month ago ha If I have a new cell phone I thought that it might have been fixed problem because guests who were with me this problem with their phones did not have the first time it seemed to go well but then the problems started again strangely even if the hotspot Data from the laptop would still be activated this hotspot would not appear in the laptop's own WLAN list the question seems to be quite confusing but otherwise you can't explain it I'm in desperate need of help By the way resetting the laptop or the phone is nothing


I stopped reading after about a third of the text because such a long text without punctuation only gives me a headache.

Delete the communication data from your mobile phone and re-create it if necessary.

Create a backup of your computer.

Download Pirelli's Ccleaner operating system for the operating system, install the program, disconnect all communications and then run Ccleaner in all areas. It cleans up your system.

Then stop the program manually, so that it does not continue running in the background.

If communication then resumes properly, immediately create a new backup.


Mchawk's gfn phrase 12:
Note: If you get little - and especially little helpful - response to your request, it may be because only a few want to read through a wall of text without (or with little) formatting, punctuation, etc.
I do not either.


I apologize again because of the poor text formatting I did not get it otherwise, because I did not have a PC that was Internet enabled and had to write everything quickly with the phone


I almost only write with the smartphone. Do you see so many mistakes with me?

Your excuse failed. Do you have another one?


Unfortunately, there was no excuse because I was in time pressure for private reasons…

Ps: The laptop has a reasonable internet connection thanks to a registry error fix