What do you think of this business idea?


My name is Alimkhan

I'm 18 and I'm from Kazakhstan originally from Azerbaijan. Now where do I start? I have been repairing cell phones of all kinds (Nokia N95, IPhone 6, Samsung S10) since I was around twelve and I taught myself everything. I aim to run my own cell phone shop one day. I'm a very motivated person, I'm the single-minded victim of everyone who said that I couldn't do something like that. Now I want to run a mobile phone shop because I have the mind set for it, as well as the technology, but no money. It sounds arrogant, but I want to convey to you what exactly I want to do, so sorry. In my head I see a shop in front of me, where I stand with 3 employees and repair the cell phones (displays, batteries etc.) The shop is built in a part where you can sit down (armchair with a chilled water stand plus different tastes) LED lighting and barriers where you can set up the cell phones. There are 4 pillars, so 4 departments and in these departments different categories are shown, I take over cell phones, the other employee laptops and the other controller / PCs. This is the first. The second is that the departments are mixed with different employees from different nationalities. So in my city there are a lot of Arabs, Turks, Russians, Poles, Eritrea, etc. I'll take over the Russians and Turks, my other colleague the Arabs / Iraqis and the other the North Africans. Now many questions will arise. We want to come across as serious. Among other things, I would gild the cell phones, because the shop should look serious, not a shop where a Turk or Arab sits and half does not understand, but young men with suits, good pronunciation and a serious manner who can use the cell phones in about 2-5 hours repaired. That would be my plan, I mentioned a lot, but if I write everything in, it will be a book 😂. As I said, I have the mindset, I also have the technology, but I don't have the money. Now I want to ask you what do you think of my idea. I'm capable of criticism, and I'm also happy to accept help.


Nothing going on without moss.


"We want to come across as serious. Among other things, I would gild the cell phones,"

This is a contradiction to itself.

And also, if that's a nice idea, I doubt that you can earn enough with it that you can finance shop rent and four salaries. Have you worked it out?


The idea is good. I think a shop like this stands or falls with the service, you have to be ready and able to explain something to people, take your time. I always get this from my mother: she goes to the telecommunications store and actually never feels in good hands there.

If you can do better, you should have a chance.

For company founders, there are also loans from the bank if you can present a promising business plan.

Only that with the gilding seems rather dubious.


Cool idea, I'd give you my cell phone right away. There are start-up companies such as


Or just enter http://www.herando.com


No. The cell phones would be gold-plated with the approval of the respective customer. All in all, I didn't calculate anything. It will cost me a lot, but I currently do cell phone repair privately. I take my time. Nevertheless, thank you 👍🏼


Thank you! You are right, a lot has decreased in the last few years, the commitment and courage of the individual businesses are no longer as serious as they used to be. I take my time and go through everything! 👍🏼


I wish you success!


But you should calculate that. Giving your time means that it takes you 2-5 hours for a cell phone? You then have to set a repair price with which you bring in 2-5 hourly wages, shares for rent, equipment, ancillary costs, taxes and levies and then also a profit. As a self-employed person, you can't live on the minimum wage. D. H. Even if you put that on, you would have 20-50 euro for the working hours alone.

I know finances are uncomfortable and somehow break the pure dream, but if you don't make a realistic calculation, you are broke faster than you can see.


If you want to open a business, there are many things to consider. Maybe you turn to the nearest Chamber of Industry and Commerce, who will advise start-ups. Everything has to be in hand and foot. You don't get very far with good will.