Save options are not correct can someone

- in Lenovo

I have a problem with my Lenovo laptop! I currently only have 700MB of space left. If you go to the memory settings you can see what all the memory needs, and it says that apps and features need 85 GB. And when you click on apps and features you can see what is taking up the storage space. The app that takes up the most GB takes 2 GB and the rest there's only about 50 KB. But if you added it all up, it would never add up to 85 GB. Is there a program that takes a lot and is not displayed? I really don't know what to do next because I need the memory.


Download → portable (choose in the menu below) and start it on your hard drive.

best after unpacking with right click + run as admin

so you can see exactly what is using how much memory on your disk.


If only 700MB are displayed free then that is the case. It is different with the stored data. Hidden files are not displayed there. I like to use Total Commander with the setting hidden and accumulate system files.

A press of the space bar is enough and it shows how many GB are in a folder. So you can see immediately in which subfolder so much is being used.