Mc Bedrock Edition Shaders Not Working?

- in Lenovo

I own the Minecraft Bedrock Edition for the PC and wanted to install shaders. I've already tried many shaders.

Download shader - works

Import shader into Minecraft - works

If I activate the shader and go out into the world, it's just normal Minecraft. The weird thing is that Tecture Packs work, so could it be because of the graphics? I also pay attention to the versions of the shaders but not a single one works.

I play on a 400 euro laptop from Lenovo (Idea Pad 3). Of course it's not that good. But on my 160 euro mobile phone (Xiaomi Redmi Note 8) all shaders work. I do not understand it…

I would appreciate help.


I don't think that the graphics card is the problem, I don't know the MC Bedrock very well, but it could be that you have to set all graphics settings that the shader needs higher.


Do you know how i do it


In settings and then graphics but I can't promise you that it works 100%


Do you mean the settings in Minecraft or z. B. In the Control Panel. In Minecraft I definitely can't find anything that helps me.


I set the graphics performance in Minecraft to high in the graphics settings of my computer. It does not work…