Kubuntu only starts in recovery mode?

- in Lenovo

I have a new Lenovo laptop since today. In addition to Windows 10, I have now also installed Kubuntu. Windows works fine, but Kubuntu doesn't start.

If I simply select "Ubuntu" in Grub, the Lenovo logo appears, but it doesn't work. Only by holding down the power button can I turn off the laptop. When I select "Advanced Options for Ubuntu" (or something similar) in "Ubuntu" in Grub, a small recovery window opens. If I just finish it, the laptop starts up in Ubuntu.

When I boot from the Kubuntu Bootstick and choose "Try Kubuntu"
the error messages appear:

Initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding faild
pci 0000: 00: 00: 2: AMD-V1: Unable to write to IOMMU perf counter.
Integrity: Problem loading x.509 certificate -65

What does this mean and how can I solve the problem?

I have a Lenovo IdeaPad 5 with an AMD Ryzen 5 4500U (Vega 8 graphics).


You may need to disable Secure Boot.

Otherwise, press ESC when the booting process stops. Depending on the error, it then jumps down from Plymouth and displays the kernel messages. You can continue to work with these.


I have already switched off Secure Boot. Unfortunately it didn't work. I'll try ESC


When I press esc, nothing happens


Then I don't know what to do with remote diagnosis. Have you ever thrown the error into a search engine?

You might also try (K) Ubuntu 18.04.


I use Kubuntu 04/18 I suspect it is due to the graphics driver of the Vega 8. I don't know either.


Please always use the current version of Kubuntu (currently 20.04 LTS) when it comes to use in the desktop area. The suspicion that it is due to the integrated Vega GPU seems to be correct. Possibly more current software components (kernel, firmware, MESA driver) help, which are quite outdated in Kubuntu 18.04.


Correct. I assumed 20.04 as it is current. It is very possible that it is because of it.


I started with Kubuntu 20.04 now, but unfortunately it didn't work. The installation worked again, but after the restart only "Lenovo" is on the screen and nothing happens.


By the way, "try Kubuntu" doesn't work either. There comes the message "Problem loading x.509 certivicate -65"




If I look at the messages on the net this is a bug in Ubuntu 20.04.

The recommended solution is here:


Problem: "initramfs unpacking failed: Decoding failed", message appears
on boot up

If we edit /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf and COMPRESS = lz4, to COMPRESS = gzip
then the error is fixing.


I also had the problem with Ubuntu 19.10 I think. But I'll try thank you


This is a good hint that EFI is having problems. So it would be important to know if you have installed EFI correctly.

Please have a look here:


Please also make sure that you boot your installation medium in EFI mode.

If everything does not help, you can also completely disable EFI in the BIOS if necessary. Then Windows can no longer be used.