How can I repair the destroyed KDE Desktop in Kubuntu?


I installed Kubuntu 18.10 yesterday on the following system:

Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 8 GB RAM GPU: NVIDIA GTX 980 Gainward Phantom (desktop PC, not a notebook)

(had the NVIDIA drivers installed under "additional drivers" after the fresh installation)

Yesterday night, it completely destroyed the desktop. DH after logging in, the start menu was moved. Then restarted and then came no start menu more, but the taskbar below was synonymous completely moved and only partially visible. And now nothing is left.

have tried the following instructions, but unfortunately without success:

The desktop is still destroyed.

At this desktop PC is only a conventional 23 inch monitor connected and I have regard to the signal output, no settings made. Just after installing Kubuntu, the NVIDIA driver also added under "Additional Drivers" and a few programs installed from the public Packet sources.

On my laptop I had the same problem a few months ago when I tried Kubuntu on it. It was unusable because the desktop was destroyed pretty soon after installation.


Try it on the console, and reinstall the package.


Would you still have the goodness to tell me how to do that?


When rebooting, switch to recovery mode and then reinstall to the root shell and then the package kde-desktop. Have you ever looked in the ubuntu-forum / ubuntu-wiki?


The desktop is still destroyed.

The easiest thing is to rename the KDE directories .kde & .kde4 (or what they are called exactly) in single-user-mode → name.bak and then switch back to a graphical runlevel.

Linux Hase


Since this seems to happen regularly to you, you should start writing down what you contribute, because Kubuntu has to my knowledge no built-in self-destruction (however, I know (K) Ubuntu hearsay).

To solve your problem switch to a text console, become SuperUser. Create a new user. Delete the old user and remove his HomeDirectory. If you want to experiment put on several victim users, so you can try what action you should leave.

This tip is a bit more radical than Linuxhase and I dare to suggest something like that because you have not worked with the system yet.


Unfortunately that does not bring anything to re-install the KDE desktop.


Unfortunately, there was nothing.


What is there?

cat /home/$USER/.xsession-errors

in the terminal?

Linux Hase