Why do I have so little FPS in games?

- in Lenovo

I own the Lenovo Legion Y720 notebook with 8GB RAM, the i5 7300 HQ and the GTX 1060.

The notebook is a good 8 months old, but current shooters can only be played at 20-30 FPS with the lowest graphics…

The notebook was actually purchased in order to be able to enjoy current shooters at least at medium or maximum resolution.

As of the booth:

Graphics card → latest drivers are installed

Processor → even increased to 3.2+ GHZ through ParkControl performance

SSD → 6.2 GB free // HDD → 854 GB free

I have never run any background applications
Performance in the task manager: processor 75-100% (fluctuations up and down), graphics card 100%, working memory 89%

Maybe someone has a solution why?

I do not want to activate a system restore.


A notebook is not designed for gaming


Your Notbook is already reaching its performance limits. You can't get much out of it. See also Klingklang86's answer.


Which games in which resolution and which graphic settings are you concerned with?

Have you checked in advance whether your notebook uses the Geforce GTX 1060 at all, and not just the Intel graphics solution contained in the CPU?


Depends on the CPU etc.


This hardware is clearly out of date, you can't expect much…


What exactly do you mean by "current shooter"?

Have you ever looked at their system requirements?

COD: MW wants e.g. 16 GB RAM, twice as much as you have. Also an i7 4770k. Your i5 won't get there.

You saved in the wrong place on the laptop.

Oh yes… You may have bought the laptop a good 8 months ago, but if I'm not mistaken, this Y720 has been around for 2 or 3 years.


Yes and the gpu


Comes to the CPU! ETC! To… Those who can read have an advantage


Currently e.g. Hunt Showdown. Before that, I had a PC with a much worse GRAKA and processor, and everything ran smoothly in a medium setting. What I want to do, of course, I don't have a non plus ultra notebook for gaming, 'but we're not talking about the highest settings here, but the lowest ones and that it shouldn't jerk there, the hardware is really sufficient for that. Do you think it could be due to the RAM, so that it runs smoothly with 16GB RAM?


A friend of mine is playing the same game on an 8 year old notebook…, GRAKA and processor are much worse, only he has 16gb instead of 8gb…


And yes the GTX 1060 is running


I'm currently playing Hunt Showdown and the game should at least run smoothly with my hardware on LOW settings… I think that is not too much to ask for a 1000 euro notebook. My question is whether I can push the FPS significantly or get the jerking away when I upgrade to 16GB.


Take a look at the system requirements.

Hunt: Showdown wants an i5-6600 and 12 GB of RAM. You have neither.

You can't even meet the minimum requirement (in i5-4590).

RAM is your smallest problem right now.


So most likely the stutter comes from the processor?
as far as I know you can play the game on high settings with the graphics card, matching processor and 16GB ram


Which CPU and which graphics card did your previous desktop system have?

For notebooks in the mainstream class, with the hardware mentioned (i5-7300HQ + real GTX 1060 otherwise you usually have the problem of temperature and heat dissipation, at least in the smaller dimensions> 16 ".

In the size range between 14 to 15 ", even modern notebooks already have to deal with temperature problems with an Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050Ti / GTX 1650. (Throttling)

You should immediately remove the CPU-OC (manipulation tool) from your book in favor of the energy management originally planned by Intel for your i5-7300HQ.

Your GTX 1060 (here for the first time almost = to the desktop model) would do much easier with reduced render performance in many notebooks if it did not then constantly run against its thermal limit.

But another question:

Have you had the performance problems on your book from the start in the games mentioned? If not, an (automatic) software update can also spark here and there.


Previously my PC had an AMD Radeon R9 270X, 12 GB RAM and an AMD FX-6300.

The problems were there from the start.


Something always depends on the operating system, age, etc.