Why is my laptop experiencing FPS drops?



I have a laptop with an i5 6200u, an NVIDIA Geforce 920mx, 120Gb SSD for the operating system (before that was original, an HDD 500Gb installed, by the way, still, but only for normal data), 4Gb RAM.

My problem:

When playing graphically complex games, I initially have fantastic FPS (60 or more). Suddenly the FPS drop to 0 and normalize slowly, sometimes a few hangers and then back to normal for the next 20 seconds.

It was the worst without a power supply, clearly saving energy and all. But not wanted when playing.

I have observed that the stutters are most violent when things from the game world load new things into the view from the respective game world.

I personally suspect that it is due to the RAM memory. This is understandable, since loading from an SSD is much faster, but still too slow for the system clock. I exclude the graphics card because games like GTA or CAD programs from the FPS pay up to the said stutters are good to fantastic. Some games I play on my laptop (GTA: 49; Scrapmechanic: 90; Minecraft Java: 120; No Man's Sky: 40;). These are the complex ones. For example: Minecraft Java is the first store in the world when entering a world violently (35 FPS slowly stabilizing to 120 FPS) every chunk shop is a stutter and then sunshine again.

Again my suspicion R A M. According to Task Manager from Win 10 92% full. Windows killed mostly unimportant task. The ram drops to 50% filling. From this point on the laptop is replaced.


Well, you might think I'm sure of RAM problems, but I fluctuate between RAM and CPU or power supply (19V). I need an opinion, or even someone's opinion, who knows the problem well.


Set the maximum fps to 50-60


No he should turn on g-sync


It's about the hardware. There's no G sync on the laptop and I have v sync inside.


I mean v sync sorry


Thanks anyway.