Low FPS through Teamspeak despite high end hardware?

- in Gaming

Hallp well-being community,

I have a fairly new (a few weeks old) gaming notebook with top hardware:
Windows 10 Pro

64 bit system

Intel Core i7-8750H CPU 2.2 GHz 2.21 GHz


NVIDIA Gefroce RTX 2070 8 GB and a 144 Hz display

Despite the good hardware I sometimes have in games like Mordern Warefare (2019) only about the 60 FPS when I start a few times I come to the 100 FPS ran, my buddy has a PC with the exact same hardware and is always around The 140 FPS never had any big burglaries.

How can that be I've tried all sorts of settings in the game myself have all the drivers and windows updates currently have even made Windows Error System Scan.
The game also checked for errors but never found anything.
My ram is only half exploited my cpu close to 100%
(despite the same CPU as my friend)
It can't be because of the hardware because sometimes I'm so well with 100 FPS there but the 60 do not go at all.

I noticed that synonymous Frequently when I'm in the background programs such as TeamSpeak or Discord, so programs to talk, the FPS drops are there's anything to do with the audio drivers somehow the CPU hinintächt? Sometimes I have the 60 FPS but also without TS etc.

I hope someone can help me, thank you in advance for the answer!


Just look how much CPU power draw the background programs.

Vlt, you just had bad luck with your CPU → I do not think so.

If only the CPU is limited at 100%, download the CPU-Z and see if it boosts properly. Vlt she does not get enough electricity or anything


Modern Warfare is not well optimized. This is also a known problem at the moment.

I have about 70 fps constant with the following setup.

i7 9700k @ 4.9 GHz

32 GB DDR4-3000 @ 3000 MHz

RTX 2080 Ti

If I do not define an FPS limit, Modern Warfare constantly uses 100% of the CPU and just under 3% of the GPU.


So you would say that is still fixed because apparently it is only a few so.

and sometimes I even have 100 fps then sometimes only 60