Remove pink nail polish remover stains from laptop?


So my sister gave me her old laptop (white) and asked if I could fix him again.

(she thought that would be completely broken but it was just the power supply and a few smaller viruses so not bad)

Now the laptop is running again but a few years ago her nail polish remover on the laptop leaked (not much) but you can now see the pink spots on the white laptop

I know that many say "yes, that has solved the paint on the laptop

but I do not think the laptop was pink

And besides, you can still see that through the pink

I tried to remove the stains with alcohol this was minimal at first.

Now my question you get the color of the laptop or we have the laptop so remain


Then the lid is made of white plastic and the pink nail polish remover, does not get out!


It is possible that the color of the remover is drawn into the paint, which are always somehow colored (for whatever reason).

But there are those lid films that you can buy ready or low cost, would that be an alternative?