Windows Update destroys workflow and reduces performance?


Yesterday or during the 21.03. A "quality update" of Windows took place.

One also took place on March 20th. Instead of. I was still surprised that my music program ran even more elegantly. But is actually not important, because it worked perfectly for the workflow before. Nevertheless, I could overlook the fact that suddenly there was almost 15 GB less hard disk space

An update had to take place yesterday. Result: My notebook, which has the sole purpose of producing music (Propellerhead Reason), hangs when opening plugins. It feels like it takes 4-5 as long to open a plugin in the program.

Furthermore, the plugins (from Izotope) no longer show the motion graphics within the equalizer. Unless I hold down the mouse pointer on the upper edge of the plugin window… Then I can still enjoy seeing how the equalizer behaves with its motion graphics, for example. And that absolutely kills the workflow.

I always have to hold down between the mouse pointer to see the EQ and to switch the execution of the changes in the program.

In general, the motion graphics have been running a bit stuttering everywhere in the program since then.

I make sure there's enough space for my open processes and basically only install the plugins and updates, because everything I need is on it. And apart from the 2 updates, there hasn't been anything new recently

Can someone help?


Have you even tried to determine whether the "oh so bad" updates actually conjure up your problem? Times the updates are uninstalled and then the network connection is set to a "clocked connection"?

What kind of state do you have after the rollback and is it the way you normally imagine it to be? If it was still the case, then I wouldn't want to prey on Windows…

And another little pro tip…

"Nevertheless, I could overlook the fact that suddenly there was almost 15 GB less hard disk space"

Hopefully you are also aware that you can delete "Temp-Junk" from updates and in general and thus free up hard disk space again?

Goes under the disk cleanup under "clean up system files"


Yes I had. Funny, had actually added it by editing, but was no longer accepted. Edited too often

After uninstalling it has improved a little. The motion graphics in the EQ of the plugins now show stuttering small bursts with standstill phases instead of standstill. For the flow, however, equals standstill

The thing is, right before and after the update was installed, I operated the program. Virtually the before and after effect carried out without gaps in time. Hence the belief in the context

I do disk cleanup regularly. Also in connection with this 15 Gb - "bloodletting". Wasn't even 500mb


Can the program you use to make music be updated? If so, is a new program version available?


That is a few days before the "big" update on March 20th. Happening. Today I will uninstall and reinstall the huge update, let's see what happens then.

If that doesn't work… A RAM expansion was planned anyway