Witnesses of Jehovah's Witness forbid laptop?


My mother is Jehovah's Witness and always forces me to study and attend meetings. Personally, that destroys me mentally, but she does not care. It does not matter that you can't force faith. In addition, I also notice how it destroys them, it has gotten depression and aggression. Since I'm under 14 years old, I can't do anything about it. My parents are separated. Anyway, after lunch today was the following situation: I asked if I could still have dessert. She then: 'Do not you want to lose weight on Saturday?' (Saturday is such a ZJ congress, where you hear lectures from 9-17: 00)

Then I say, 'No, because I do not make a fool of myself.'

Then she freaked out completely and gave me laptop ban. She forbade me to share my opinion. I have said several times that the only thing that has done with this punishment is to make me angry. Germany is an opinion-free country and what I said was just an opinion and not a disgrace against their organization. But she did not care and she said that I should keep my opinion about it.

Do you have ideas how to get out of the mess not only from this situation but from the whole mess? I just want it to be okay. Even if my mother does not realize how bad she is.


Sternfunzel, I do not care if the user is an adult or not, then I give my answer just in general, for all children, adolescents, adults and seniors who want to leave this SECTION.

That you can't do anything under 14, that's not true. You can turn very well to the youth welfare office, or to a relief organization.

Getting out of a SECTION (I do not care what they're accepted for) is always fraught with difficulties, I think that in that case, even the family would break away. But look at it, the way your mother wants to go is not yours and what she is doing is terrible, so you better let her go and find a sheltered place to grow up in peace, normal.


Since you could ask the question, although your mother forbade you the laptop - which has only a sense, if not over Pad, Smartphone or other PC a further Internet entrance exists - me the question how extensive this laptop ban is. It certainly makes you very doubtful about your credibility.

Apart from that, if I look at Sternfunzel's answer, where you need some help for a simple fractional calculation and wrote another question about running a business, sorry, but that's actually even less credible. Not because of age, but if you want to run a business, you should master simple fractional calculation as basic knowledge, because at the latest for a tax return, this, or even percentage calculation relevant. But be it.

If your mother really has such a negative impact on your family as you describe and your mother's influence also penalizes your ability to work at school, then you should talk to a trusted teacher at your school. This can give you at least suggestions to remedy, possibly also, if you want it, visit your family and give yourself an impression.

If a change in your family life becomes necessary, which will make it clear to your mother that she is destroying her own family, this will be more difficult in the short or even medium term than it has been the case, because religious delusion can have a similar effect as dependency of intoxicants. Often the dependent person does not recognize their own addiction. But effective help is only possible when the dependent person realizes that she needs help to overcome her addiction, and when she takes the necessary steps to improve her own situation on her own initiative - not just wanting to go, but the steps (which one takes) you describe, so to speak, to explain the way), but actually works, no matter how much time it requires. Depending on how misguided your mother may be, that she puts her faithfulness above the well-being of her family and also your "faithfulness" to your school development, your mother's development may be a lesser, a truly formidable challenge or anything in between for yours To be family life.


First of all, even though the question is already nasty: Do your parents have shared custody? Because if so, then your father has something to say too. Talk to him and tell him that you are being forced to do something against your conviction. Of course, your mother can theoretically give you laptop ban, but the reason does not justify that in this case. Your father has shared custody rights to help you. However, you must be aware that you can annoy your mother with it. However, it is a realistic possibility and, without having to turn on the youth welfare office etc.

And just to anticipate the same time: @ Star Funzel: We've understood by now. And no, I'm not going to try to figure out what's right or wrong. Because if that's just a true story, the person has something to do with getting an answer. If the story is not right, I just do not care. After all, it can also be that the questioner allowed himself a joke when asked about the WhatsApp business or tried to start a business as a child. And yes, I know what that looks like legally.