My laptop was hacked (e-mail address)?


Today I scoured my e-mails and found a scary message in my spam folder: an e-mail titled "i recorded you" and my e-mail password next to it (the message was in English)

It was said that they had access to my camera and microphone. They want me to transfer money to them. I fool, of course, the same password / the same e-mail used on each website. I have now deleted this e-mail. What can I do at home without calling in an expert? I'm really a little bit scared and immediately pasted my camera…

I'm extremely grateful for quick help!


Meaningful would be a change of passwords, if it was a real blackmail and not one of the many freeloaders.


I will do, thank you. But how did this person decrypt my e-mail password?


Since only a database of a website must have been inadvertently unencrypted or hacked, as happened in the past few years again and again. Or your password was easy to guess. Or there was a keylogger installed on your PC.


Could it be that this person really has access to my data or camera, or is this all just to scare me, so I pay money? Furthermore, I forgot in the question to say that it is often happens that suddenly my on my laptop "lock" is and then he goes out. Could this have something to do with a hacker?


Both are possible, as I already wrote. From a distance you can hardly judge that. You describe the find as if the mail has been in spam for a while. In the case of a serious blackmailer, something would probably have happened in the meantime. On the other hand, a still available account does not mean that the "hacker" has no access. To "lock" also missing the details.


It may well be that the mail is older, but unfortunately I have not paid attention to the date. In the mail was that more mails would follow, so I would pay attention to what has worked. I think there were 3 messages in total.