Windows endless loop, is my data gone now?


Since an update failed on my laptop, I have this infinite loop saying it is trying to restore the installation. Heard that quite a few had already. But it is very important to me that I can still save some data from the laptop. Is that still possible if I can no longer "get in" the laptop, so the data is gone forever?


No, they are not you can restore them, this is done externally, etc. You can best go to an IT expert who can do this.


You can try to get into the BIOS with a boot stick and call up CMD with system rights. Then push the data over there onto a USB


You can remove the hard drive, put it in a docking station and read everything that is still there on another PC. Normally, the actual data is not touched during an update - so it should still be there.

You now know that it is better to make a backup beforehand next time. Has happened to me NEVER AGAIN!


Thank-you. Fortunately, I have someone who knows about IT


So I did it back then via Ubuntu Live, and then mounted the hard drives and dragged the data over to a stick.

If you have a docking station that would be better, but if you don't have one, like me, you can do it that way, then you don't have to get one.