Black pixels on the laptop screen?


Hello 👋
My Samsung laptop has recently been spotted with black pixels. As I use it, the black areas do not get worse, but when I turn it off and then use it again, the dead pixels have become more each time. What can this be? Can I do something, so that at least the black pixels do not multiply? I'm not very familiar with it but I think you can't undo such dead pixels, right?


For laptops, the rest of the electronics are located directly under the keyboard. That is, if the electronics are busy from the keyboard, it may well be that the rest of the electronics (for example, the screen) is also busy.

Maybe they've already warped over the keyboard or spilled something out. Or they once dropped it out.

If so, it could be because of it.

Have your laptop repaired best (preferably by Samsung itself). I would recommend, if possible, to back up all files, e.g. On cloud storage and USB sticks and external hard drives, before the gaudy pixels become too much.

I would also do a system restore if that works.


That sounds like a bad screen. Is a warranty case. Contact Samsung Support and backup your data to an external storage device.


Pixel errors either way are always on display itself, it can't be repaired.

If you still have a warranty on your notebook, you can contact the guarantor.

Without warranty, only a display exchange remains an option.

New display you get between about 50-110 euro (depending on the model), with installation it should not cost more than about 80-160 euro, where 160 euro is already an expensive / rare display.