I unknowingly deleted my administrator. I bought the laptop from school because I was in a laptop class and now I'm not at school any more. The only administrator is my old teacher, but I do not know his password. I forgot to delete my admin. What can I do? Can the Applestore set it up so that there's only one admin left? Because I can't do some functions now. Have a MAcbookAir
An admin can only be deleted via another admin account and not with a normal user account
So I somehow managed XD
The school bought a laptop… öhhmmm… Ne is clear.
Schools are allowed to do so easily.
Yes, I was in a laptop class. Everyone in the class had one
Do you have an Apple ID?
look at the following link:
I've already tried that. It does not work
Do you mean Applestore could help me with that?
Do you mean applestore could help me further?
Sure, if you have an AppleID.