Do you really need a Macbook to study?

- in Macbook

Uhm hi.

I'm going to study psychology soon and I can already see how everyone is buying a Macbook, which usually costs a little more than the usual.

However, I'm relatively satisfied with my "Acer" laptop and would like to ask if I have any disadvantages.

Haha, it's super remarkable that almost everyone in my class owns one, but am I suffering from that?

Can I still work with my current one or do I have to expect that all students have a high-grade laptop?


Of course, you don't need a MacBook. The more expensive the notebook, the worse the student ^^

every 200-300 euro laptop is more than enough for studying psychology.



Thank you!

Then I wondered why everyone owns one?


A MacBook is an ordinary laptop with a poor price / performance ratio and a below-average number of connections.

There's a lot that every other laptop can do but a MacBook can't, but there's hardly anything that a MacBook can do exclusively.

But the Apple madness is spreading, even in engineering courses, and there an Apple product can actually become a real problem, as a large part of essential software does not run on it without further ado.


You should ask your lecturer because there are some software programs that are used there that do not run on Windows systems.

A typical example are DTP things that require a lot of graphics.
You would need a very good Windows computer that can keep up with the Macbook and the corresponding user program.

The question is, however, whether such high-grade systems make sense when studying psychology. That's why I would first ask lecturers whether it is necessary or whether the other students do it just out of prestige


Then I wondered why everyone owns one?

Obviously, psychology students have a lot to compensate.


Sufficient, some get along better with MacBook, it is different for everyone.


Linux is the real thing (except for gaming) anyway.


Thank you!

Yes, that sounds logical, and our first semester is currently dealing with statistics and many other data collections, where graphics are essential after all.

I should probably ask.


Thank you.


Any reasonable Windows laptop will be able to do what you need.

Buy something from Dell, that's a long time.


But they don't run on Windows systems.

What software should that be?

so things that need a lot of graphics.

MacBooks have no other hardware built in than corresponding Windows laptops.

There's no Apple-exclusive software in any course, but windows-only.