I lost the laptop from my friend. Insurance?


I just got the laptop from my friend fell (cost about 1000 euro). Now it has a lot of quirks and is twice as thick in one place.

Info: my friend and I do not live together (students)

His parents visited him and today we all went to our hometown together. I got out at my parents' house with my iPad in a felt sleeve and his laptop on top of it (he was just working on it, so it was not in a shell). Then of course the laptop has slipped down and fallen onto the concrete floor.

Is my liability insurance now liable? I have already read something, but on the Internet is always that she is not liable if the laptop is borrowed. I did not lend him, I just wanted to be social and take his laptop out with him (he wanted to stay with me). Is my insurance liable?


I would say yes.

Report the claim to the insurance and you see what happens!


This is about the insurance.


But does that affect me negatively?


No, why should it? For such cases you have a liability!


Yes, she should.