Second screen on the computer useful?


I want to connect a second monitor to my laptop.

I don't know if my laptop has enough power.

It is a Medion Akoya notebook with

2 GB Ram (+6 GB virtual RAM on the SSD)
128 GB SSD
Intel Pentium N3700 1.60 Ghz
64 bit
Windows 10

I only use the notebook for office and internet applications and would like to attach a second 28-inch screen to it.

My question: do you think the performance of my notebook is sufficient? Will the second screen slow down the speed? Does a second screen also need RAM?

Thank you for your answers. I'm still a bit of a layman in the field


It won't be even slower than the notebook already is (very weak processor and far too little RAM), you can easily attach a monitor.


If you just run Office applications, you won't notice any difference. The performance of your notebook is completely sufficient for this.

A second screen certainly needs additional RAM memory. But unlike sophisticated games with 3D and lots of effects, you only need the memory for the screen content and do not have to keep hundreds of graphics and textures. The additional memory requirement is therefore only a few MB.

A second screen can be very helpful for Office applications because it provides a better overview.


The 2nd monitor does not need any power from the PC with normal display, at least I have never read that before, even the smallest, old netbooks can operate external monitors. Worked a lot with old notebooks, often with external monitors.

If the graphics card enables dual monitoring, I mean distributing the content across multiple screens, that should also work. This can possibly cost ram if the card draws the memory from the notebook ram and uses shared ram.

So the decision is what kind of graphics card is installed and how you use the monitor! If the G-card has its own ram, it uses that. And if you need extra ram for multi-monitoring, it can be tight with 2 GB. I suspect it uses little to no extra ram. I think some of you here will know more about that.


Believe it or not, even an outdated, slow computer is better than none at all. - You don't need a supercomputer to write letters.


My PC isn't the newest either, but when I work (mainly Office) I don't want to miss the second monitor anymore!


Many thanks for your response! The graphics card has 1066 MB RAM or 114 MB VRAM. Do you happen to know if that is a lot / a little?


Many thanks for your response!


In terms of performance, that doesn't make a big difference. I also recently had a new computer in my office with two screens. Once you get used to it, you don't want to miss it anymore.

this is practical e.g. When you do your research parallel to your work. Then you can call up your wikipedia articles on the small screen, and then write down what knowledge you gain from it on the large screen.


That's exactly what I need him for.