Would R6: S run on my computer?


On the internet I do not find clear results that solve my problem.

I would like to play Rainbow Six Siege on my laptop. The requirements correspond to my laptop except for the clocking of the processor. I have a 4th Generation I5 which clocked at 2.7Ghz, however Steam has a clock rate of 3.3Ghz.

What I have found so far is that if the laptop normally complies with everything and then you have the CPU overclocked a few FPS more. My question though is, since I have 0.6Ghz too little, the game will be unplayable?

Thanks in advance!


I bought Rainbow now. As Predator2446 already said, I can't get 60fps out with my Geforce 820M, but with a solid 30fps, the game is very playable👌


What has nh graphics card he is also relatively important. But the processor manages that. Can't expect 60fps


The processor will not be the problem, that should be enough, but what does the laptop have for a graphics card? And overclocking on a laptop is hardly possible because the processor is often too hot and consumes more power.


Have a NVidia Geforce 820M with 2Gb graphics memory.

Should run to my knowledge


As with Predator I wrote a NVidia Geforce 820M with 2Gb graphics memory.

And thanks for answering


Since there's only one i5 that has 2.7Ghz base clock, I assume that you have an i5 6400. (The clock of a processor says almost nothing about the performance, you have to know the exact model to determine the performance)

The 6400 is strong enough. The question is, is your graphics card strong enough?

If you use the i5 6400's built-in Intel HD 530, you will not be able to play the game smoothly.

If you use a different graphics card, I can't say if it works, because I would first have to know which graphics card that is.


I have just read in another answer from you that you have a 820m. If that's true, you can't play the game under any circumstances. This graphics card is even weaker than the integrated HD530 in your processor.


Here you can see what is required


Here you can see that your graphics card is unfortunately too weak


The required graphics card (gtx 460) is about 240% faster than yours


Ouh ok thank you


Thank you for your answer, I did not even expect that now.

If you see the page "Can I run it?" know, this meant my graphics card would be enough


I'm surprised, because the minimum requirement is a gtx460, which has over https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/...167vsm9527 performance against your graphics card.


It seems that you can't send any pictures in the attachment, so you have to believe it♂️