Ubuntu and Mint: Chrome distorts colors?


I have the problem on my PC and also on my laptop for a few days with Chrome that on some (not all) websites the colors are distorted.

Everything is presented more sterile-bluish than it is.

On websites this is rather inconspicuous. But already to see.

Ubuntu and Mint: Chrome distorts colors

Have times with Gimp a gradient created and loaded in Chrome. Should be the same. Here you can see the difference more clearly:

Ubuntu and Mint: Chrome distorts colors - 1

Some images are also displayed in completely wrong colors.

The Kenny on this page is displayed to me as blue-green, although he would have to be orange:


If I then copy and paste it into an image editing program, it will be displayed correctly again (namely orange).

That's just for Chrome. No other browser and no other program has this problem.

I have the laptop completely re-installed the operating system (Mint), which brought no change.

Is that a new design trend? Does anyone have this problem and how can I fix it?


There's now mint 19.1, which is stable. Did you install that, or an old version?


I've installed 18.3 (Cinnamon), as I find the new surface of 19 grottenhässlich. Before it was 18.1 on it.

And it has gone so well.


Take a more current OS.

Linux Mint xfce 19.1 maybe you can make it from what you like.

Or just some other distro with KDE plasma, e.g.


Colors are displayed distorted.

what do you actually mean by "warped"

If you mean "different colors", then there's certainly a voting problem that can hardly be solved.

If you look at the HTML code lines, then colors will be e.g. With # d9d9d9 (middle gray) but also with red, gray95, gold, gold1 indicated.
# D9d9d9 or # 36d9d9 shows the ratio of the 3 colors red, green, blue. What one understands by gold does not have to be the same as someone else's gold.
A "right" or "wrong" is not just an "Anders".

Maybe 2 could still agree, but among countless designers this is excluded.


See second screenshot.

Chrome should render the gradient as well as GIMP.

# d9d9d9 is # d9d9d9 and should be displayed as well.

If the monitor shows something wrong, the display in GIMP should be just as wrong as in Chrome.


Look at this URL:

the colors of the words red / green / blue. Those are determined wrong in the chrome. If so, here they are helped:


Your used chrome version then has vermurkste settings. Where did you get the Chrome, from the Internet or from the package management?

I also use Mint, but it has not happened to me for years.


Browsers have their own color profiles?! X.x…

The red word is rather brown.

Green and blue are halfway there, but are not the usual # 0000ff or # 00ff00, but rather surgery room colors.

The color gradient image shown above is in sRGB (and so stored).

If Chrome imposes a different color profile on the image, then of course it goes wrong…

Have sRGB set (which means quasi deactivation). Now the colors are right again.

Here, apparently someone else has the same problem:


And the local solution helped me a lot!

My Chrome is not a hospital anymore.