Found a company regardless of location?


I have a fictional question about starting a business. Let us assume that I have no permanent residence either in Germany or in another EU country. I live in hotels / pensions etc. I rented a mailbox for my mail (if at all). I only work from a laptop.

Is it possible under these conditions to found a company without a permanent residence / address or business address?

Respectively. - this is the real question that interests me - is it really necessary to found a company? I could be traveling anywhere in the EU and not the EU. Could taxes be levied at all?


The company will most likely have to have a mailing address. And there you also have to pay taxes.


In addition, (especially in Germany) it may be that a mailbox alone is not sufficient to register a company headquarters there.


The company must be registered and entered in the commercial register. And that is only possible with one address. And there you will also have to pay tax and have to pay. There's no company without a registered office.


As far as I know, whether you have to register a company in the commercial register depends on the legal form.


Okay, thank you for the answer.