Laptop returned after 2 years because of defects, 200 euro less paid?


I ordered a laptop via a mail order company on 2017. Already within the first half of the year, this had a shortage, he crashed when opening various programs often easy and then read for a while not start. Of course, I contacted the mail order company directly and sent the laptop to the responsible repair company, unfortunately without result. For almost a year, everything went reasonably well, or did I need the laptop for work and could not send it for repair due to the lack of a replacement device. Now I finally sent it in 5 months ago because it was getting worse, again nothing was found… Since this was the 2 failed repair attempt, I sent the laptop back to the mail order company and got from a total price of around 900 euro, only 700 euro, with the statement that the difference is being considered for interim use. Is that right? Even if the defect was reprimanded within the legal warranty and the repair service has found nothing, does this need to be extended or not?


Yes, that's right