In the meantime, everyone in industrialized countries has felt 5 or more personal electrical devices: cell phone, laptop, PC, console, power bank, etc.
New devices are added for a few years and, in the best case, the old devices are still recycled halfway.
A lot
It is called rare earths because the concentration in the rock is so low.
see also "Rare% 20 earths"% 20 acts% 20, evenly distributes% 20 in% 20 of the% 20 earth crust% 20. & Text = a total of% 20 gives% 20es% 2017% 20 of these, around% 20 200% 20 different% 20 minerals% 20.
Oh so interesting. I didn't know 👍
Very much. Rare earths are found in rocks, but only in low concentrations. But there's a lot of rock and therefore also a lot of rare earths. We'll be able to get by with it for "a few" years.