Who can help me in English? (Please)?


Can someone correct the text?

The video "School of the Future-Learning from the Lockdown" (School of the Future-Learning from the Lockdown) was published on October 27, 2020 on the German website "http://www.zdf.de". It deals with digitalization in schools during the current pandemic. The video presents various of experiments that show how important digitalization really is in schools and how the learning success of individual students can be positively influenced.

At the beginning of the video, the excessive demand of students, teachers and parents is shown when it comes to homeschooling. The video explains that there's a big lack of a necessary digital infrastructure, which is why online teaching does not always run smoothly.

The video explains that the opinions of people are divided. While some are in favor of more digitization in schools, others reject the idea. In contrast to schools, universities already have advanced digitization. Most students would take notes with their laptops instead of using paper and pen. In order to be able to assess whether learning with technical equipments or with paper and pen is better, an experiment is carried out. For this experiment, two groups are formed. During a lecture, one group uses their laptops and the other group uses a sheet of paper and makes notes. Afterwards it is checked which of the groups has taken the most information from the lecture. The group with the laptops has almost twice as many notes as the other group and also has more similiarities with the original power point. But when it comes to learning the information, the group that worked without technical equipments won. In one exam, they were able to perform significantly better than the group. It is explained that working by hand makes it easier for the brain to remember the most important information. The spatial orientation would play a huge role in it, which is why learning with pen and paper should be better than learning with technical equipments.

However, the video explains that digitization in schools is still a good thing, for example for research or to present complex issues in a simplified way. But it should not be everything digitized.

Next, the video tells about John Hatti, an educational researcher and his study. It is explained that Hatti studies factors that influence children's learning in Mellbourne. It is mentioned that he has studied the effect of the clase-size on the grades of students. He also studied other factors such as the teacher-student relationship and online teaching, and presented the results as a scale. The mean value of the results is 0.4, everything below is not very supportive for the students and everything above supports and motivates the children. It was found that the class size, online classes and individual laptop use have no influence on the children's learning success.


What do you offer?


A big thank you.

Maybe I can help you sometime in the future


When correcting Arabic and Chinese texts?


Haha najaa, I could only help you in Spanish XD


Thanks for the offer. But I can speak Romance languages.


I think the text is really good, here are just a few things that I would write differently:

In the third paragraph you wrote: for this experiment are two groups formed, I would write: for this experiment, two groups are formed.

and then again in the third paragraph you wrote: in one exam, they were able to perform significantly better than the group> which?

again in the third paragraph you wrote: it is explained that working by hand makes it for the brain easier… I would write: makes it easier for the brain…

and in the third paragraph at the bottom you forgot the n in learning

In the fourth paragraph you wrote: but it should be not everything digitized, I don't quite know what that is meant, but I think it would sound nicer if you write: but not everything should be digitized

In the last paragraph you misspelled Melbourne, you only write it with an l

in the last paragraph you also wrote a class size, clase size

Otherwise I wouldn't have noticed anything, hope I could help you.


Thank you.


It was worth a try.


The video "School of the Future-Learning from the Lockdown" (School of the Future-Learning from the Lockdown) was published on October 27, 2020 on the German (RS) website "http://www.zdf.de". It deals with digitalization in schools during the current pandemic. The video presents various (---) experiments that show how important digitalization really is in schools and how the learning success of individual students can be positively influenced.

At the beginning of the video, the excessive demand of students, teachers and parents is shown when it comes to homeschooling. The video explains that there's a big lack of (formulation) (---) necessary digital infrastructure, which is why online teaching does not always run smoothly.

The video explains that the opinions of people (better: s-genitive) are divided. While some are in favor (= AE; BE = favor) of more digitization in schools, others reject the idea. In contrast to schools, universities already have advanced digitization. Most students would take notes with their laptops instead of using paper and pen. In order to be able to assess whether learning with technical equipment (-) or with paper and pen is better, an experiment is carried out. (whether… Is better than…)

For this experiment, two groups are formed. (Sentence position) During a lecture, one group uses their laptops and the other (group uses) (---) paper and makes (word) notes. Afterwards it is checked which of the groups has taken (repeat; word) the most information from the lecture. The group with the laptops has (word) almost twice as many notes as the other group and also (---) more similiarities with the original power point. (Which Power Point?)

But when it comes to learning (rather: understand or keep / internalize) the information, the group that worked without technical equipment (-) won. In one exam, they were able to perform significantly better than the group (Which group?). It is explained that working by hand makes it for the brain easier (sentence position) to remember the most important information. (---) spatial orientation would play a huge role in it, which is why learning with pen and paper should be better than learning with technical equipment (s).

However, the video explains that digitization in schools is still a good thing, for example for research or to present complex issues in a simplified way. But it should not be everything digitized. (Formulation, grammar)

Next, the video tells (Something is missing here. * 1) about John Hatti, an educational researcher and his study. It is explained that Hatti studies factors that influence children's learning in Mellbourne (RS). It is mentioned that he has studied the effect of (---) clase (RS) -size on (---) grades of students (better: s-genitive). He also studied other factors such as (---) teacher-student relationship and online teaching, and presented the results as a scale. The mean value of the results is 0.4, everything below is not very supportive for the students and everything above supports and motivates the children. It was found that (---) class size, online classes and individual laptop use have no influence on the children's learning success.


(* 1) In general, say (pronounce) = say

He didn't say anything about it. = He said nothing about it.


in connection with a person object is (sb. Etw.) say / tell = tell (sb. Sth.)

In other words, tell can't be used without naming the person addressed.

He didn't tell me about it. = He told me nothing about it.

Say has no direct person object; People are connected with to.

What did he say to you?

He says little. = He doesn't say much.

She said, "I don't know him." = She said, "I don't know him."

She hasn't said a single word all evening. = She didn't say a single word all evening.

We told them how to get there. = We told them how to get there.

Did she really tell you that? = Did she really tell you that?


tell a story / a joke = tell a story / a joke

tell the truth = tell the truth

tell lies = lie


The bold text needs to be corrected. I hope I haven't missed anything.

For vocabulary and spelling, I recommend a good (online) dictionary, e.g. Pons.com,

for the grammar ego4u.de and englisch- help.de - and stay away from the Google wrongdoer and his dull colleagues!

:-) AstridDerPu


Thank you


The video "School of the Future-Learning from the Lockdown" (School of the Future-Learning from the Lockdown) was published on October 27, 2020 on the German website "http://www.zdf.de". It deals with digitalization in schools during the current pandemic. The video presents various experiments that show how important digitalization really is in schools and how the learning success of individual students can be positively influenced.

At the beginning of the video, the excessive demand of students, teachers and parents is shown when it comes to homeschooling. The video explains that there's a lack of a necessary digital infrastructure, which is why online teaching does not always run smoothly.

The video explains that the opinions of people are divided. While some are in favor of more digitization in schools, others reject the idea. In contrast to schools, universities already have advanced digitization. Most students would take notes with their laptops instead of using paper and pen. In order to be able to assess whether learning with technical equipment is better than with paper and pen, an experiment is carried out. For this experiment, two groups are formed. During a lecture, one group use their laptops and the other group use a sheet of paper and make notes. Afterwards it is checked which of the groups has taken the most information from the lecture. The group with the laptops has almost twice as many notes as the other group. But when it comes to learning the information, the group that worked without technical equipments won. In one exam, they were able to perform significantly better than the group. It is explained that working by hand makes easier for the brain to remember the most important information. The spatial orientation would play a huge role in it, which is why learning with pen and paper should be better than learning with technical equipment.

Does that fit now?