Man speaks to me on the highway parking lot and tells him his bag was stolen and he needs help - did he want money?


Today I drove a car through the highway through Germany. I stopped at a rest area, there was surprisingly little going on (in the parking lot and also in the restaurant). When I returned to the car after dinner, I saw an older, silver Audi with an English license plate parked next to my car.

When I approached the driver looked out of the window and beckoned me over. A pregnant woman was sitting next to him and there was a toddler in the back seat. The driver asked me if I would speak English, which I answered in the affirmative. He then said yesterday that his bag with notebook, cell phone and money was stolen and if I could help him. I remembered similar cases such as At file number XY were shown and I thought: "He sure wants money", so I said very confidently that I couldn't help him and looked at him sharply.

He then said he was English. I said (in English): "You are not an Englishman". Since I lived in England for several years, I know the British accent, it sounded more like a Dutch or Eastern European. He looked at me in confusion and said: "I'm, look at the license plate. What am I then?" I just shrugged my shoulders and wanted to go to my car but he then said: "I need the route to Holland, I don't have a navigation system, is this motorway going west?".

I then showed him briefly on the cell phone where he had to change the motorway and he thanked me, then I went to the car. After that I thought about it all the time, it felt as if he really wanted to try to get money but then eventually realized that I knew the mesh and then wanted to distract. What do you think what that was, have you ever had something similar? LG


Yes, you see it quite correctly. And an Eastern European accent makes it even more suspicious.


What speaks against the fact that he really just didn't know the way? Carrying out a scam with a pregnant woman and child would be extremely extreme.


So in the cases that I know from TV there was often a child and a (pregnant) woman.


Even more suspicious


But he really only asked for directions, right? Otherwise nothing was noticeable


Yes, but first he asked if I could "help" and said everything was stolen. Maybe when I said really harshly: "Nope", he thought that I couldn't get anything and wanted to distract.


Okay, that's a little strange, even if I don't think they'll give up so quickly. But can be good. I think you reacted appropriately.