S20 Plus or Oneplus 8 pro?


I can't decide between Oneplus or Samsung (Snapdragon variant, both at the same price)

The tests on the Internet and Youtube somehow all say contradicting things and I don't get really smart on the Internet either.

Most important to me are the battery, the display, the performance and acceptable speakers. I mainly use the cell phone for videos / films or surf the internet. It replaces TV and laptop. So I want to buy a high quality device. To be honest, I like Samsung's software pretty much, but I would also like to try something new and I don't like being enslaved by Apple.

I think the hardware differences are very small anyway. What makes the difference for me is above all how constant and lag-free the device runs over the long term (crashes, hang-ups, bugs), longevity, stability of the software and the access and stability to networks, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. ; I often had problems with my S9.

At the same time I'm scared of having to send the OnePlus back because of the display problems.

Does anyone have any idea which device would probably be better suited for me. 3 world problem i know but i can't make up my mind.


I would recommend the Samsung Galaxy S20 for you because it simply offers better hardware for your purposes. In addition, Samsung simply has more experience in the segment.