Skyrim saved games not loading?


As already described above, my scores in Skyrim Special Edition no longer load, that means when I enter via steam I also get into the menu, but I can't click on the load symbol as usual. Do you have any tips on what to do there, it would be a real shame if I can't get there anymore, I already have 460 hours of play and some cool scores).

I would be very grateful for tips,

Many greetings

For info:

Games on the laptop with Windows 10

When opening Skyrim, it shows that my graphics card is not working and the graphics were set to low. I actually already looked at the graphics card - should actually work.

I've already tried to uninstall Skyrim and download it again _ but it didn't work either.


When opening Skyrim, it shows that my graphics card is not working and the graphics were set to low. I actually already looked at the graphics card - should actually work.

This is because Skyrim only knows graphics cards to date - with the 2000 and 3000 series from NVIDIA (as an example) the message will always appear that Skyrim does not know the GPU.

however, as usual, I can't click on the loading symbol.

So on the word 'load'?

Are your saves still available in C: \ Users \% USERNAME% \ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim (Special Edition *)?

* Depending on which edition you have. For regular Skyrim it just says Skyrim.


Maybe you should check whether your load memory is already full, then you have to delete old saved games.


How can you look it up?


Yes, so if I click on the word "Laden" then nothing happens (it is auxh not highlighted). My saves are still there when I click on the saves folder "steam_autocloud", which sixh doesn't open either.

So far, however, the graphics card has never been a message, actually strange, isn't it?


Under menu "Load game status" or "Short save and save".


Sry. Maybe I'm a bit stupid right now. In which menu? When I click on Skyrim the dialog box with start and exit game comes first and so and when I then click on start game comes either "New", "Load" (which I unfortunately can't click and… But no menu where I click "Saved Game" load or "Kurszspeicher and save" come. I would be very happy if you would give me an answer to the probably very stupid questions again.


I'm playing on the PS4, when I press the circle the menu appears: QUESTS-STATISTICS-SYSTEM, with R2 I go to SYSTEM. On the left is then: Quick save, save, load, MODS etc.


Please read the question correctly, he can't load the saved game. How can he then please open this menu?


Loading saved games and starting saved games are different. His question does not indicate that he can't start the game.


If you can't load savegames in the main menu because the word is dark gray, it means that either there are no savegames in the folder or the game does not recognize them.

The savegames are located under C: \ Users \ Name \ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim Special Edition \ Saves. If this folder is empty, your savegames are gone. Either deleted or moved.

To find your saved games, if they are still available, go to computer, click in the search bar (in the top right corner of mine) and enter Save, Quicksave or Autosave. It could take a while. Skyrim savegames are ESS files that, depending on the type, start with one of the three terms and then have an endless number of numbers attached to them.

When you find them, move them to your save folder under the path above. You should also check Steam to see whether automatic cloud backup is activated. If this is uninstalled, your savegames will be lost if you delete the save folder. With an automatic synchronization, the scores are saved online.


Again, since you have difficulty understanding my message, stay out of my answers!


What difference, please? When you start the game you click on LOAD, there's no START. And that he meant that in the main menu, he clearly wrote that way.

"… That means when I enter via steam I also get into the menu, but I can't, as usual, click on the loading symbol…"

Edit: Wrong, one more time that YOU misunderstood something.


Just because you don't know the difference, you should stay out of it!


Because there's no difference. It makes no difference whether you load a saved game from the main menu or from the saved game menu. Exactly the same action is carried out there.


You will never get it! When I switch on the device, the current game is loaded automatically. To continue playing, you just have to START.


It doesn't matter what it looks like on your Playstation. This is about the PC version and the question clearly states that it is the main menu. So if you are unfamiliar with the specifics of the question, why are you answering? Such answers only create confusion. And instead of simply saying "Ok, I made a mistake", you now start with a discussion about whether it makes a difference from where you load a saved game from. But it makes no difference. It's exactly the same as when you want to go to the bathroom at home. It doesn't matter whether you are in the living room or in front of the front door, you always have to go into the hallway (= load) and from there you can go through the door (= select the score) into the bathroom. The way is always the same, just from a different starting point.


Your comments are irrelevant and full of polemics. I will not deal with you any further.


You also have this menu when you play on the PC. Delete old saved games. I played it on my PC 8 years ago.


Thank you very much for your help. I applied your tips and searched for the Quciksaves in the search bar and actually came to a folder with all the saves - this was under Desktop. I then moved the 378 saves as you described it and now it works again - all the scores are back. Fortunately, automatic cloud backup was already active… Another quick question: Do you know whether I can have problems with so many saves (378) or does it just use up storage space? And if so, how do I know which ones I can delete and which ones I can't or do I need all of them?

Thanks again, really thought you were gone - which would have been a shame.


I only pointed out a mistake to you, if you interpret this as irrelevant or polemical, it is due to your opinion, not my intention. You misunderstood the question and as a result provided a wrong, unusable answer. So that there's no confusion, I have corrected you. If you have a problem with this, don't give the wrong answer.


I also have hundreds of game saves on my PC, which only takes up a bit of memory. You can sort all files by age in the save folder, then delete all but the last 5 for the quick saves and autosaves. With the manual saves, I would then see how many there are. If there are not too many, I would delete them ingame as a precaution, because you can see there which character they belong to and where you are currently there.


"Can't load my PLAYBOARDS anymore." Yes, then he has to ask the question next time in such a way that there can be no misunderstanding if he means the current score in order to start the game! Nevertheless, I ask you again not to comment on my answers. Give your answer and let it stick with it.


The question is phrased in a sufficiently understandable manner, but you should work on your understanding. If he says that he can no longer load his saved games, then he can no longer load them, very simply. Whether he clicks on "Continue" or "Load" in the main menu is completely irrelevant, as it is the same process.