Buy and play Skyrim?

- in Gaming


I plan to buy a laptop in the next few days because I want to play skyrim on it, so I only want to play the laptop for gaming and not for other things (I have a tablet). I would like to know the following

where can you buy skyrim
It works on any laptop
how expensive would it be


Then don't buy a laptop but a PC. You get more for your money.

Whether the laptop can do this depends on what's inside and how much you want to spend.


You can buy it in the store or on steam

It costs 15-25 euro

And it runs on every modern PC


You could also make a laptop in combination with Stadia. The only requirement good internet


That in Germany… I think that's done XD


But there are also a few spots with good Internet # I have heard


? What I know a former buddy played on the laptop so I ask it always worked so I ask


In which because the game is no longer the newest


It depends on the laptop. It wouldn't work on my laptop.


With Stadia it would actually work provided the internet is good.


For me it works:
-gtx 970
-SSD (important because of loading times)
You can get there with around 500 euro if you buy it used. (No guarantee, but I would appreciate)


In every media business such as Saturn, Media Markt, etc. As well as online. However, there are also inexpensive offers online, e.g. At MMOGA, etc.
No, unfortunately not. It depends on how much you would want to spend on a laptop. With a low price range, a laptop like this can't either start a game like Skyrim at all or it never runs optimally. With a little luck, maybe a bit fluent at low settings!
So I would recommend one that already costs over 500 euro and at best more. Because here you have to pay particular attention to which parts are built into it. If you can get it cheaper, also good, only very rarely, especially with new goods. The better the hardware, the more expensive the device. If you want to play gaming on it, I would spend almost more than 500 euro if possible. At best up to 1000 euro, if necessary. The game alone costs you 5 euro to 10 euro, depending on the shop in which you get it.

Personal recommendation: Better get a desktop or stand PC or a simple game console. If you don't have a lack of space, a PC is definitely worth more. You often spend too much on laptops, while a PC can still be cheaper (as a home-made one) and much better. A PC does not have to be replaced from A-Z, after 3 years it is sometimes enough to replace a part while you have to replace the whole device on the laptop. A game console, on the other hand, is recommended because it is significantly cheaper than a laptop or a PC and is completely sufficient for gaming. In addition, you do not have to pay attention to the built-in hardware or anything. Just buy and play, done!