Which PC for streaming / YouTube?


My name is samantha and i started making youtube videos some time ago. Since I love to make videos and I also enjoy playing games occasionally, I want to stream on the Twitch and YouTube platforms. I have a 200 euro laptop which I have had for 3 years and which is still hanging. It's just not fun to edit videos on it let alone play anything on it. I also tried to stream with this laptop, which is a complete disaster. Constantly hanging, rendering videos takes too long… You don't want to imagine it.

Since I have now saved up a certain amount and would now like to invest in equipment, I wanted to ask what I should pay attention to.

How much budget do I have? I'm ready to invest 2500 euro.

What exactly do I want and what do I mean by equipment?

I want to buy a powerful PC. The best thing is a whole set with monitor, keyboard (etc.) that is made to stream high-quality games on Twitch and in good quality. The PC should also be able to render and edit videos for YouTube quickly and easily. Microphone is also needed.

I have never assembled a PC, let alone put it together online. Therefore I would prefer to buy ready-made PCs.


As a keyboard i know that it is very good for your money: https://hardwarerat.de/...own-switch

and you should choose your own mouse on the page


Feedback would be helpful to my recommendations. Do you want a different housing? The linked PC packs what you intend to do with it, quite loosely, that's exactly what it was optimized for. And it is also very cheap for its performance


I sent you an FA


Building a PC yourself is really not difficult, you should be able to do it without any problems.

Here is my configuration:


Just over 2500 euro.

The PC consists of a Ryzen 9 3900X and an RTX 2080Super, 32gb Ram, a 1TB Nvme SSD for the system and games and a 4TB HDD as data storage.

A monitor (WQHD 144hz) and mouse and keyboard are also included.

I would recommend buying an Elgato Stream Deck (approx. 150 euro).


Is it really not difficult? I've never done it.


Check out a couple of Youtube tutorials.

For example, here


Nope, is really not difficult. But easily 10% of people then ask again why their pc is not running. Assembling is not enough. It is more convenient to buy something that has been tested beforehand and that comes with instructions for commissioning. And so the uefi bios is preset. For people who have already dealt with it, of course, everything is possible.


Yes, but that something like Windows doesn't fly from the sky is clear


Small addition: The Dark Rock Pro 4 does not have any thermal paste pre-installed


But there's some


At least the ram and the ssd are highly criticized. And ne 2080 super can only be described as a waste of money again and again, because the lack of vram will be obsolete just as quickly as the rtx 2070 super.


But if you have never done that before, you can easily forget it.


SSD I can still understand, it's not the best in the world, but not a bad choice for the price in my opinion. What's so bad about Ram? In terms of VRam, I can only say that I have not configured a UHD monitor. If you play WQHD then 8Gb VRam will be enough and that in the next few years. I know people who even have a somewhat older 980ti with only 6Gb VRam in Play WQHD.


The next generation of consoles will again massively raise the need for vram in pc games, so you should not start from the current state. The ssd only has qlc memory and it is in the stars when it will smoke. Fully equipped ram may look nice, but with ryzen it really costs a lot of performance if you try to get the most out of it. Therefore, unless otherwise asked by the questioner, I would always resort to 2 bars, in the case 2x16gb.


If you try to get the maximum clock

If you have never built a PC you will usually not overclock the ram.

it is in the stars when it will smoke

I own mine (also with 1Tb) since the beginning of 2019 and mine has not yet disappeared from me.


Not even my 250GB samsung 840 evo, which is 7 years old.


I didn't mean that at all, I just wanted to make it clear that this SSD will not give up after 2 minutes of operation.


No, it may last for 5 years, but in any case the storage is much shorter-lived than with a tlc ssd. Only about a quarter as durable