2 speakers to 1 aux?


My question is I think simple, but I just do not get an answer. I would like to connect 2 speakers (each with a stereo aux input) to my laptop (with an aux output). How do I get that at constant volume and quality of the Aux signal? Mfg Sebastian


With a Y cable. For example: https://www.amazon.de/...00GN76HAG/


I had already considered that, but I had the fear that the quality or volume suffers.


There are distributors / adapters (mostly plugs, Y-cables or "stars") that can be used to distribute the AUX output signal to multiple devices. Just keep in mind that these sometimes split 1 aux stereo to 1 aux mono right + 1 aux mono left. Vlt. Is that just the right thing in your case? Often, however, 1 AUX stereo is multiplied to several AUX stereo. I often use this to watch movies in the train together (with several pairs of headphones) - but of course it also works for normal speakers.


It will be quieter. But that's not possible.


For me it would be important that the audio quality and volume are EXACTLY the same. In a splinter that changes, right?


Quieter brings with but unfortunately nothing. Should be used for PA purposes.


It would depend on an attempt how much quieter it would be.


If there are active speakers, then with a distributor (here already called by @ Nemesis900).

But if there are speakers without amplifier, you need a stereo amplifier to do so.
From the output only signals in the 100mV range, because you hear at most a crack when turning on!


The volume should stay the same. The quality of course deteriorates the longer the line is. If the splitter is not faulty, there should be no noticeable quality change. It should also be noted that the use of an AUX cable (especially if it is powered only by the internal sound card of the laptop) already has the quality compared to external sound cards, audio gateways and other cables (eg XLR or digital transmission via Bluetooth) S / PDIF or HDMI) is not optimal - even if the quality with not too long cable in most cases will be completely sufficient.


Of course, only half the input power comes on. You will hear on both active speakers but not as loud as if you control the same setting only 1 box. Otherwise take an interface or a small mixer. Then you do not have this problem