Spotify Local Files on Iphone? 2020?


So first of all I know this question has been asked a good question many times, but none of this helped. I tried everything. I'm in the same router, the firewall is allowed, I downloaded the playlist. App on PC / laptop and on the cell phone was uninstalled and installed, off and logged in too, but nothing helped. Everything worked 2 weeks ago…

So does anyone have any other tips on how to get their local files from Spotify to the phone?


Spotify on the phone can't handle mp3 / 4, .wav et cie. You have to try the Android / iOS music player - and a cable.


But why did it work before that… So I would understand if it hadn't worked before, but recently it has not worked.


Sure it can handle local files (mp3, mp4). I can confirm first hand.