How can I do it most skillfully?


My mother is a single parent with me and does not allow me to have an Instagram or Twitter account… I have a notebook, tablet, Discord, etc. But she simply does not want to allow me to do so, she does not even give a reason for it… How can I get her from someone convince, I'm not the best at school, but also not one who has 10 5s on my certificate… I have already taken on a lot of responsibility in the household anyway and always listen to them, my father would have nothing against an account there. Feel that she somehow doesn't trust me.

I'm about to make one secretly because I always have to say to my friends: "No sorry, I have no insta, don't think much of it", although that's not true. They tease me with it occasionally and that's not really nice.

I just don't understand why an Insta or Twitter account is such a thorn in my side… I'm 13 years old and somehow always hear from everyone "You are so grown up for your age" and everyone would trust me there, just my mother Not.


Can suggest that you do not upload pictures alone, but that you can control them.


Would only make a private account anyway, I also told her. I also explained to her what the difference is.


The minimum age for Instagram, for example, is 13, so you would be theoretically allowed to do so. However, your parents or your mother are on the longer lever and they are your legal guardians and are allowed to determine your actions. When it comes to the fact that she is afraid for you as a person, you can show her that you will take care not to disclose any personal data. Say: do not upload pictures of yourself, do not give your name and much more that affects you personally.