What additional memory for a notebook?


I've got a notebook and need more memory for data, which I do not have to do often, mainly archiving. At the moment I used an external USB C hard drive, but it is getting too small and changing every time is not really good either. Do you have any ideas on how to expand my memory more skillfully? I thought of some kind of NAS or Home Cloud, but hardly any experience.


Take a cloud. For example OneDriver, if you have Windows.

With the router NAS is synonymous, but there you have to connect a USB stick or a hard drive.

I have a backup Samsung external hard drive connected via USB. And I'm glad to have that.


So I have no problem with an ext. HDD / SDD.
Went at least faster than over Wi-Fi → FritzBox → NAS. Since I also rarely access it, the mentioned by you "plugging" is acceptable for me and no problem.
Do that for almost 3 years and have not neg neg experiences.


In a notebook earlier I let me install a larger memory. After that it was good.