Questionnaire for ending the commercial activity?


In December 2018 I unsubscribed from my small business, because in the years since its founding in 2014 I have generated only a few hundred euro in sales per year, and in 2018 even 0 euro in sales. Subject of the trade was computer repairs.

In 2016, I moved but forgot my trade off and re-register. That's what I reported when the business was canceled in December.

Tax return with EÜR always done properly, so my tax always taxed. (was always done quickly). In the tax year stated 0 Euro.

Now the tax office sends me a "questionnaire for ending the commercial or self-employed activity".

On page 2 is the point relevant to me "task". Here, proceeds from sales, withdrawal values of assets transferred to private assets and the amount of the profit or loss from operations must be mentioned.

Since I've never bought anything for my business in the years except for business cards (2015), I've never bought anything (no cell phone, notebook, tools, etc.). As a result, I have always stated accordingly "zero".

Did I behave correctly or did I miss something?


Absolutely correct behavior.

They only do that because they have to enter these values themselves. At that time I called the tax office and told the processor that there was no activity and everything was done.


Thank you for your prompt reply. I'll call the lady tomorrow and describe the matter exactly the same way. The questionnaire should be received tomorrow as well as during the day.


I think that the case is now complete.

There was no feedback from the tax office. I got my tax assessment a week ago. In the meantime I was able to create my EÜR for 2018 via Elster. In January this form was not ready yet. Here set the right cross (trade abandoned) and everywhere the 0,00 euro.

So everything went well and my business is FINALLY history.