Individual keys on the laptop no longer work?


4 keys on my laptop no longer work for me, namely the delete key, shift, the space bar and the Windows key. In addition, the touchpad no longer works. These malfunctions occurred for no reason, so I don't think there's dust or anything under the keys. Is there any keyboard shortcut that turns the following keys off or is there some way to solve this problem? I'm desperate right now.


When I have problems I always go to the same store where you can buy computers etc. And have them repaired!


Here are some possible causes and what to do.,-Einer%20der%20h%C3%A4ufigsten&text=Zahlen%20statt%20Buchstaben%3A%20Dieses%20Durcheinander,Num%E2%80%9C%2DTaste%20zu%20dr%C3%BCcken.