My laptop is very slow, how can I get it faster?


My laptop has been very slow lately and I don't know why. I had the virus program searched for fours but nothing came of it. I have also uninstalled all programs that I no longer need or never use. Nevertheless, it is slow. A week ago he reacted wonderfully quickly to everything. When I open Firefox or other browsers, I always get the message that the respective browser is already open, although I have not yet done so. Does anyone know how I can get the laptop back faster?


What components do you have in the laptop? Take a screenshot of the system information and upload it somewhere.


Clearing the Cache

Clean up junk

Can still be a virus or hack attack.


Maybe outdated system, or you just buy a new one


Reinstall the operating system or switch to a more economical system.


So if I have to buy a new one after a year, Acer is incompetent


I already did that too. How do you get rid of a virus if it is not even recognized by a program? Maybe a reset to factory settings will help?


Wouldn't be possible to copy all data beforehand and scan it again with an antivirus program. Your updates will then be gone. Shut down browser uninstall and reinstall first before resetting


Only a complete new installation will help.


In the Task Manager, Sart up, check which programs are loaded at startup and run in the background.
Go into DOS mode or "Windows Powershell (admin)" and test the hard drive with chkdsk. If it reports errors, replace the hard drive with an SSD and reinstall it.