Home studio cabling of multi-effects device with guitar, audio interface and microphone?


I'm a home studio beginner and have little idea about cabling. In addition to my electric guitar, I have a Boss Gt-1 multi-effects device as an "amp", 2 active near-field monitors and would now like to buy a condenser microphone (Rode NT1a / Audio technica at2020) and audio interface (probably the Focusrite Scarlett Solo). The thing is, before I buy the microphone and interface, I want to know how to properly wire everything to a Windows laptop to record what is being played / sung?

Which cable do I have to connect to which connector? Please explain as simply as possible.

Anyone who can answer the question really helped me a lot! I've been dealing with the cabling for days, but I can't get any further because everyone uses different devices with different connections, which confuses me a bit…


Condenser microphone with XLR cable to the interface.

USB interface with USB cable to the laptop.

If it is a https://www.thomann.de/..._pedal.htm effect device, you can either connect it to the interface with a 6.3mm jack cable (use a normal guitar cable) or, as it seems, connect it directly to the laptop with a USB cable.

But theoretically, you could also connect the guitar directly to the interface without an effects device using a 6.3mm jack cable and add effects digitally.


In order to be able to record vocals and guitar at the same time, the interface must have 2 independent inputs. In order to record the guitar effects device in stereo, you would need 3 inputs.


With the Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 that shouldn't be a problem, right?

