Surface Book 2 heat resistance?


I bought a Microsoft Surface Book 2 for Christmas 2018/19. I have the device now almost 3 months and I'm very satisfied. Unfortunately, something happened to me now that worries me a lot.

I was training and had my Surface open in the room. Unfortunately my carpenter opened the curtain of the balcony and drove away.

So my Surface was exposed to the bright sun for 2 hours. The black screen has stood parallel to the balcony door and thus got the full load. The laptop was so hot that I could not hold my back against it for more than 4 seconds, and I would say that I'm not exactly sensitive.

Since the laptop was switched off and did not cool, the factor was even stronger.

Since I myself am a mechatronics engineer and know that heat does not do electrical parts well, I worry if something could have happened or if consequential damage could occur. Because I'm very careful with my equipment.

So I would like to know if that was bad or if the battery may have damage or if something else could have a defect now.


I do not think so.