Used items tax deducted (only new invoice available)?


Assuming I buy a laptop or pc on eBay classifieds and want to use it for studying. Can I then deduct this tax? But then I would only have the recalculation and this is not my name and this would be 3 years old. I wanted to make a tax return for last year.

And if I buy a cell phone, for example, I can then tax deducted it would need about 1/3 for study and 2/3 private


Loss carryforwards. For employees, however, 50% is assumed. That sets you off too.

The laptops are depreciated after 3 years with a useful life

For companies, one could still apply the input tax, if the seller can identify them

2/3 private means no weaning


You can only set your actual acquisition cost. If you instead set the list price, that is clearly tax fraud.

Provided, of course, that you pay taxes at all. If you do not pay, you can't claim any expenses.


If you need the equipment professionally then you can sell it also. A receipt will be the least you need for it. Because you can't use the bills of others, of course.