Excel copy and paste of large tables accelerate?


I often have to copy large Excel spreadsheets at work and then paste (hard) only the values (no formulas) into a new Excel workspace.

The Excel worksheets often include 50,000 rows from column A to J

These are individual values, sv, if formulas…

As I said, I have to copy the values and then insert hard (without formulas) into a new Excel spreadsheet. Since the laptop I use at work is not the fastest, it may take up to 10 minutes for the process to complete.

Does anyone know of a way to accelerate this process in Excel?

If yes how?


PowerPivot can do that → see c't 17/2019


See c't 17/2019?


In the computer magazine


I did not install Excel on my PC, but I tried that with LibreOffice and it takes less than 1 second to copy 10 x 50,000 values from one worksheet to another. I can't imagine that would take 10 minutes with Excel. Is that perhaps due to the use of SVerweis?


Can't say, at least I copy all the cells and paste only the values hard (ie Without formulas) in a new worksheet


I tried it again in Google Docs. Since it takes 30 seconds already. But that's still much faster than 10 minutes.

Here is a table with random values. You can download them in the file menu and then Open in Excel.


Try how long it takes to copy and paste the data with it. Try the whole thing in Excel and then in other programs such. LibreOffice and Google Docs and compare the speed.


Have your file copied to me in Excel. After a few seconds, the process was done.


Have your file copied to me in Excel. After a few seconds, the process was done.

What about your memory? Is it enough or is this the problem?


At work I have an old laptop, would have to check the exact values. I think he has 8 Ram of RAM. I would have to look like I said.