Can I trace an account on Wattpad?


I borrowed a friend's laptop or bought it from her and she still uses it from time to time when we're with me to pull things down, her accounts, whose passwords are stored on her new one Device set up etc.

Anyway, I created an account on Wattpad, commented on a story and am now being rudely rude by a strange lunatic (and there's no other term for it) …

This person spins together I'm her friend's ex-girlfriend and wanted her to do something bad, insults me via PM and doesn't seem interested in clarifying the matter.
As I said, the laptop previously belonged to a friend… And now I would be interested to know whether this could be her account or whether you and your account could somehow be linked as a normal user via the IP address or something, although I have a different name and accordingly also another email address (given via GMAIL).

At I was asked about the same IP address because of suspicion of a double account… Is that also the case with Wattpad? And if… Can the layman find out so easily?


So of course wattpad has the possibility to find out who is probably behind the account using the IP and e-mail addresses. However, it is not possible for other users to view someone else's IP address or email. A third party can't simply find out one of the two and thus assign an account to a person.

The only possibility would be if your account had been hacked or the Wattpad server. Both should not be possible for a layperson.

The person is probably just someone who wants to do Kravall. It's best to just block them.