Write apps?


My girlfriend and I are currently writing a book together on the Wattpad app. In this our account and thus our cell phone was hacked. So we decided to delete the app. The problem is that we do not know which app to use to continue writing after deleting Wattpad since we do this on different cell phones and laptops.

That means we need an app on which we can write together on different devices (IOS and Android).

I hope you can recommend us a few good writing apps because after our search on the internet we could not find a suitable app.


How about word, for example? That was always very well optimized for smartphones.


You can also create a document on Google Drive that both can edit at the same time. You can also edit it on your cell phone or computer.

Then the data is just at Google, you have to be aware of that.


I don't think your Acc was hacked, just the email address, but I don't want to get to know better here.

But if that is the case, nothing happens if you change your email password and you can continue to use the acc


Thank you, we're doing that now.

We only got a message that Wattpad accounts were hacked and that e.g. With my sister someone got into her cell phone.